Happy New Year

Happy New Year

On the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana  (it’s actually Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday), my wish is for us all to find peace and joy within our lives, to bring satisfaction and meaning into our lives and to develop and maintain our ability to deal with our struggles and challenges in a way that will (eventually) bring us to the light of life.

I pray that our world brings forth much more goodness;  and of course that starts with each and every one of us.

There will always be conflict and struggle.  May we learn to deal in a respectful, tolerant, peaceful way where we open our hearts and minds toward compassion and healing.

May we be blessed with health and tranquility.

May we live well , engaging in the awesomeness of life, in pursuit of our goals and dreams, in harmony with our values and priorities.

Shana Tova  Umetuka – A Good and Sweet Year!



4 thoughts on “Happy New Year

  1. Vidya Sury says:

    Happy New Year! Harriet. I wish for Peace too! Much love to you! Vidya

    1. Hi Vidya,
      Thanks for your lovely comment. Appreciate your support.

  2. Alan says:

    Har, keep up the good work. You are one of those people who truly make a difference. I like the video. Happy New Year. May this year bring you much contentment and the fufillment of more of your dreams. Like I say, just be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.

  3. Happy New Year to you Harriet…thankyou for sharing
    be good to yourself

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