Have You Got Guts? Tune Into Your Intuition: Interview with Angela Artemis

Have You Got Guts? Tune Into Your Intuition: Interview with Angela Artemis

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”  Albert Einstein

This quote says it all.  There is a part of us that is way under-utilized.  The gift of our own inner voice speaking to us from the depths of our souls is an untapped source of potential, wisdom and enrichment for our lives.

In my mid-life, I’m first tuning into this now.  I’ve always known about intuition but never paid much attention to it.  The tangible and ‘seeing’ stuff had the front seat of my awareness.  In the past few years as I’ve grown more in depth and spirituality this idea of gut feelings, signs and intuitiveness has taken a more prominent place in my consciousness.   When I do my daily walking, I pay attention to all the thoughts that run through my head.  I talk and I listen attentively to myself.  This is where and when I get some of my best clarity, and messages.

I would like to share with you the voice of intuition from a very wise and intuitive coach.  Angela Artemis teaches us how to tap into and bring to the forefront our hidden voice, and how to recognize and pay attention to those ‘funny’ signs.   Her book, The Intuition Principle is a wonderful combination of concepts and practice.  It’s a great guide to an often overlooked and perhaps a bit mysterious part of our being.   You can get a taste of what this is all about right here in my interview with Angela.

1.      What is intuition?

Intuition is our own inner guidance.  It is a small voice we often hear like a whisper, that gently nudges us to make the right choices and decisions in our lives.  It can tell us when we should be wary of a person and when we should act on an opportunity.  It comes to us spontaneously and many times feels like an “aha” moment.

  1. What are the benefits of being intuitive?

What are the benefits of seeing or hearing?  What are the benefits of touch, taste and smell?  Intuition is a natural process of conveying information about your environment to you.  When you are in touch with your intuition you are working with all your faculties, not just five.

Do you know what synesthesia is?   It is when you get a sense about something in another part of the body.  For example, some people with synesthesia hear colors or smells.  They see music as colors or numbers.   Their brains process information through their senses differently than the ordinary way we assume the five senses work.

Intuition is somewhat similar.  It’s another way we receive information and process it.

When you are intuitive, you may hear a voice that stands out over your thoughts in your mind telling you not to trust someone or not do something.  You may feel sickened or nauseated when you are around someone who you should be wary of.  You many feel reluctant or hesitant to go forward with some initiative.  All of these reactions are a form of intuitive sensing.  They are beneficial because they “inform” you, in addition to your five senses, of information that is vital for you to know.

  1. How can we use intuition to help us deal and cope with our difficulties and hard times?

During difficult times it is even more important to try to stay calm and not jump into things because they appear to be an easy fix.  Tuning into your intuition requires you to calm down and go within and listen.  When you are centered, ask yourself what you can do to cope with the current situation.  Do not try to force an answer; just remain quiet and calm.  If nothing comes to mind during this time tell yourself that you will get the answer within 48 hours.  It is important not to panic but to stay calm.  In the next 48 hours the answer may arrive via the advice of a friend, something you read somewhere or hear on the radio or see on television.  You will know it as a message meant for you because you will feel a sense of ‘relief’ when it appears.

  1. How can it guide us to a better place, mentally and psychologically?

Knowing that the answers are always within reach gives us peace of mind.  When you know that you can close your eyes and go to a calm place and ask for solutions or to be guided, you feel more in control of your life.  As you continue with this process and develop faith that it always produces the guidance you seek, you also develop greater confidence in yourself and your ability to cope with any situation that life brings your way.  It changes you from within; you no longer see yourself as a victim but rather as someone with the strength and resources to cope with life.

  1. What advice would you give someone who struggles to hear their inner voice?

Learn to relax.  Let go of the outcome.  Don’t worry about being wrong.  Intuition thrives in a relaxed and peaceful state of mind.  One other thing you can do is learn to meditate, and practice every day.   Meditation relaxes the mind and allows your thoughts to slow down.  When your mind is not crammed full of one thought after another, your intuition will easily stand out.

Practice by asking for guidance when you are meditating.  Ask and then sit quietly and listen.  Do not expect to hear a “booming voice” like I did.  It is your own voice that you hear in your mind.  Trust whatever comes.  It could come as a ‘thought’ or a picture in the mind or as a ‘gut feeling.’ After you do this a while, you will begin to truly trust this voice and know it as your intuitive wisdom.  Practice is key.

  1. How can developing and strengthening our intuitive muscle lead us to live a better life?

Intuition is your own inner guidance.  When we look outside ourselves for answers, we give our power away.  We defer to others instead of relying on our own wisdom.  Over time, this will squash your confidence and suppress your autonomy.  Developing your intuition helps you establish healthy self-esteem.

When you know there is no situation in life that you can’t handle and that you are capable of dealing with anything, your confidence goes through the roof.  You will try new things and put yourself in new situations; therefore growing tremendously because you are willing to take more chances in unknown situations.  The person who suffers from a lack of confidence prefers to stay in his safe little box and doesn’t grow through the many experiences like the confident person.


If this has piqued your keen interest and would like a chance at getting a free copy of her book (e-book), please comment by sharing how you’ve become aware or been led by your intuition.  Random selection will be on Tuesday, May 22nd at 10 PM, EST.

You are also welcome to download some free bonus material here.

Check out Angela’s most interesting and enlightening blog at www.PoweredbyIntuition.com

3 thoughts on “Have You Got Guts? Tune Into Your Intuition: Interview with Angela Artemis

  1. Beth says:

    Thank you for this inspirational post. Thoroughly enjoyed reading about our 6 th sense. I tend to rely on it.. I call it my “gut feeling” , for lots of decisions in life. Angela said great things to learn from.

  2. nikky44 says:

    very interesting!!! Thank you <3

  3. Thanks Harriet,
    nice work
    be good to yourself

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