Meaning Helps Us Live Well

Meaning Helps Us Live Well

One of the most powerful ways of dealing with a difficult challenge is to find meaning or bring meaning to it.  It really helps us be able to tackle a hardship and later on to be able to not just survive it but thrive through it.

When my daughter was in the throes of her medical crisis, what got me out of bed every morning and at her bedside for 14 hours a day for a year was my clear purpose in being her cheerleader and encouraging her on every step of the way towards her recovery.  It’s also what motivated me to walk everyday to keep myself strong and healthy so that I could be there for her.

When the worst was behind us all and she miraculously came through, life took on a whole new meaning for me.  I saw first- hand how our lives hang by the faintest thread and at any point we can be taken away to the other side.   And so I stepped up my life and really stepped into it with the fullest of engagement, awe and excitement.   There’s just too much living to do while we can.

My trauma had a great ending.  All the more reason to pay honor to it.  Since then my life has taken on a different texture – one of opening myself up to new possibilities, a relentless love of learning and active engagement with new {and old} activities  and a creator of bringing into my life what’s important, both large and small.  Living well takes much intentionality and purpose.

Life gives us tremendous riches if we’re able to see them and take them in.  We also have to give life our very best as well.  For it’s in the service of life that we each bring out our goodness which then spreads.

Viktor Frankl speaks/writes of meaning in suffering.  We certainly don’t have to experience suffering to find meaning but once we do suffer then it behooves us to find meaning in it so we can live on well.

Creating new meaning helps us grow beyond our suffering.


What purpose or meaning drives you to get up in the morning and engage in your day even through your distress over something?  

Thanks for stopping by.  Comments and sharing are always appreciated.

2 thoughts on “Meaning Helps Us Live Well

  1. David Stevens says:

    Powerful Harriet,
    Meaning adds substance … and gives great satisfaction. Thank You for sharing your story.

    Be good to yourself

    1. Hi David,
      Nice to see you here. Yes, meaning adds substance and everything to a life. Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy is a most important way of helping people live their best life – by uncovering meaning in their lives which helps move people beyond their pain and suffering, be it concrete or existential.

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