Positive Self-Talk When Going Through a Tough Time

Positive Self-Talk When Going Through a Tough Time

There is so much out there on the ideas of affirmations, beliefs, thoughts and in general, the things we feed our brain.   Personal motivational geniuses like Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer challenge us to bring forth our most powerful and action-oriented selves in the pursuit of creating the life we want.  It’s all up to us and what we set ourselves up for.

Are we victims of circumstances, of our past, and play that out throughout our lives?  Do we decide to take responsibility for our lives as they are now and look to create, if need be change, and become active participants in shaping our lives?

What we choose to focus on is what shapes our lives.

We hone in on negatives, we bring forth negatives.

We focus on the positives, we bring forth more of the positive.

Even when we’re not consciously aware of something, be it a belief or thought pattern,  it has taken root  within ourselves and planted its seed from which many more positive, or negative buds will bloom.  Our mind is a fertile ground for growth.

It is therefore so important to provide it with the care that will help produce the vibrancy, colors and beauty of a June garden in its fullest bloom.

Because we as humans are ever evolving and by definition growing – otherwise we stagnate and die-  we need not define ourselves by what we used to… like, do, think, feel, believe.   We don’t have to keep ourselves locked into our old habits of behavior, thought patterns and beliefs if they are not serving us well.

Am I perhaps alluding to Change?  Yes, but actually I want to focus here on a precursor to change – what we tell ourselves about who we are, what we’re capable of doing, what we notice and bring into our sphere of life.

Certainly when we’re going through a trying time where we have to call upon ourselves and all our inner resources to keep going, some good old positive self-talk can serve us well.

What are some positive messages we can tell ourselves to keep us functioning?   Even if we don’t necessarily feel it, we can still dig these little positive seedlings into the ground of our mind where they will take root and grow.


10 things to say to yourself to get you through a difficult time: 


  1. I can do what I need to do, one day at a time.
  2. I am strong and capable.
  3. I can handle this.
  4. I am resourceful and can access information.
  5. I can take care of myself so I have the physical and mental energy to deal with this.
  6. I can find the support and help I need.
  7. I am courageous and brave.
  8. I can tolerate the emotional pain.
  9. I can face the day with gratitude for what I have.
  10. I can carry on another day by putting one foot in front of the other.

Repetition Required.  Standing in front of a mirror preferable.

What positive messages do you say to yourself to help you get through tough times?

Thank you for stopping by and reading.  Comments are most welcome.  Also, sharing is appreciated. 




10 thoughts on “Positive Self-Talk When Going Through a Tough Time

  1. “I Can”….and… “I am” are powerful affirmations used in the correct manner. Thankyou for the positivity Harriet
    be good to yourself

    1. Hi David,
      Thanks for your comment. All positive, all empowering!

  2. Alicia says:

    Thanks Harriet, I am stuck, I will use your affirmations!!! I have such anxiety right now about applying to go back to school . I am allowing myself to feel it but I must make the decision to move on and go ahead and get the things done that need to be done. I can do it , I CAN!!! I have used up all my excuses now for hemming and hawing. I still feel like I am a little stuck and wonder if it is because I am not following my hearts desires or I am afraid. Maybe a little of both.

    1. Hi Alicia,
      Sorry you’re in such a ‘stuck’ place.
      Of course you can do it.
      What is your heart’s desire and what are you afraid of?
      If you continue along the path of not applying to go to school, will you regret it?
      Is it certain beliefs you’re telling yourself; or people coaxing you another way?
      Listen to Tony Robbins tapes – he is so empowering you feel like you’re ready to take off to do anything!
      Keep me posted or we can talk.
      Thanks for sharing. I love how you say you’ve used up all your excuses now – that’s a great beginning!

  3. Tara says:

    I’m not sure why, but the only affirmation that has ever worked for me is to “just think about this moment.” Then again, I guess you only need one that works, right? I like Alicia’s line about using up all the excuses — I’m going to remember that one! I have to comment on that beautiful photo. So peaceful.

    1. Hi Tara,
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yep, if it works, that’s all that matters. Your affirmation can really keep you present and grounded – great.
      Glad you like the photo. That’s from our room in the Dolomites (we hiked there a few years ago).

  4. Hi Harriet,

    Changing our automatic thinking and belief system takes serious effort. It is a rare person who is raised in an environment that promotes positivity, encouragement, hope, and optimism. When we begin focusing on the negative from an early age it becomes a bias we don’t even realize where focusing on. I have repositioned my beliefs through consistently listening to inspiring material and reading uplifting and positive content on a daily basis.

    1. Hi Joe,
      Nice to ‘meet’ you here. You are so right – what is automatic is so hard to change, but possible.
      I recently started listening to tapes, specifically Tony Robbins and I’m loving it. He really gets your blood going. I listen while driving. I look forward to getting into my car so I can listen, and I get out feeling so much ‘higher’. It is amazing; I should say he is amazing. I’m working on some of his exercises of the mind and also working on the book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Also on dispelling negative and limiting beliefs. You can really get hooked on this stuff. But it’s great stuff and great for enhancing ourselves.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Hope to ‘see’ you again.

  5. Thank you Harriet,

    My beliefs is that , the choices i make in my Life today will determin my Future, so I choose to want the best , choose to be happy, choose to look for a positive in every negative Situation , I believe only I can stop Me from moving forward, and this is what i share with all my friends and family.

    Life is what we make of it, People need to understand this ., We are so Blessed to Have the Power Of Choice……

    So To everyone reading this, The Choice is Yours .

    1. Hi Donavan,
      Nice to ‘meet’ you.
      I love what you write that we are blessed to have the power of Choice and that it’s all up to You. Very powerful. Great that you are an example of living like this. We must own our responsibility for ourselves. Sounds like you sure do.
      Hopefully, see you again.

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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778