Restoring Your Sense of Self

Restoring Your Sense of Self

A provocation, something disturbing or annoying, critical/judgmental, toxic, some push- our- buttons type of an act,  comment, situation,  conversation or argument –  you know how any one of these things can throw us off balance and send us reeling.  We get insulted, angry, agitated, feel like a failure or an incompetent, feel intimidated…. And the list goes on.  Or we can just plain feel out-of-sorts.

How we get back to ourselves; how we restore ourselves?   The key is to do so in healthy ways, not by acting-out behaviors or even numbing substances.  Not in a reactive way where we end up feeling shameful or bad about ourselves.  Or where we take no responsibility and put the blame on the other.

We need to clear the murky waters of our oftentimes icky sticky feelings and gain clarity.  We also need to self-soothe so we can regain our footing.    Creating that space between stimulus  and response is crucial and we can utilize good distracting ways.

Here are 20 ways to restore yourself:

  1. Talk it out; express your feelings and thoughts to a good listener.
  2. Get outside yourself and do a good deed for someone.
  3. Watch a funny show and laugh aloud.  Laughter is so cleansing and refreshing.
  4. Go outside for a walk/run.
  5. Sit by the ocean and listen to the waves.
  6. Look up at the sky – the vast horizon brings us perspective.
  7. Clean the house/ fold the laundry.  Organizing can give us that feeling of control, however illusionary it is.
  8. Connect with a positive person.
  9. Write your ‘stuff’ down.
  10. Take deep breaths and meditate.
  11. Engage in an enjoyable activity.
  12. Listen to a lecture; learn something new.
  13. Have a great cry.
  14. Sing and dance wildly.  Nobody’s watching so you can let loose.
  15. Read
  16. Pamper yourself in whatever way makes you feel good.  A bubble bath with scented candles is a lovely free-bee.
  17. Play
  18. Have a pity party
  19. Ask someone who knows you well to tell you 5 good things about you.
  20. Make a list of your own good qualities and strengths.


Here’s to regaining your balance and feeling better.


What’s helpful for you?  Thanks for popping on by.


how to find me

Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778