Teleconference Parenting Class

Teleconference Parenting Class

I’m stepping out and embarking on something new – a teleconference class.   Since I love doing parenting workshops, I figured I’d expand my repertoire and start offering some online classes.  Another avenue, another way of reaching people and another way of expanding myself.

This first class will be about helping children deal with their feelings.  It’s based upon the techniques written by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish in their book, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk.

I’ve written a guest post on the subject over at the Raising Small Souls website.  You can read it here.

I may be going out on a limb by saying this but parenting almost seems to becoming a lost art.  We are becoming overshadowed and overpowered by all the pulls of societal technology.  We’re running on a perpetual treadmill of trying to keep up with it all.  And we’re losing something vastly important along the way.  We’re losing ourselves and what’s important to us and our families.   We have a lose grip on our values and priorities.  The competition is huge and we are falling into that competitive market with our kids.  We’re finding it hard to maintain our own grounding and stance.  We’re therefore doing all too much For our kids with the rationale of, ’I can’t let my kids fall behind or not give them what everyone else has.’

We’re losing a lot here and our children are losing even more.  They’re losing the ability to stand on their own feet and be responsible and competent young adults.  Perhaps I should qualify this by saying, they’re not really Losing anything, it’s that they’re not being given what they need to become responsible for themselves, accountable and competent people.  But more on this in another piece.

Let’s get back to some basics in parenting;  to skills needed to help our children grow into emotionally healthy  and resilient people.  It’s interesting to note that this book, How To Talkwas first published  over 30 years ago and it’s just as relevant, perhaps even more so, now.

Please join me in this free class.  I will highlight the specific ideas and concepts and then I hope for lots of interaction.  You might consider getting a copy of the book and reading Chapter 1 before the class.  It will give you good food for thought and discussion.

Information and  registration right here.


I’d really appreciate if you pass along this info to any parents you know.  Thank you.

4 thoughts on “Teleconference Parenting Class

  1. Alex Blackwell says:

    This is a needed service – good luck. No doubt you will touch, and improve lives, with your special talent.


    1. Hi Alex,
      Thank you for your lovely words of encouragement and support.

  2. Harriet,

    You hit it right on the head. Thee is a definite need to nurture young souls into emotionally healthy individuals. I strongly believe the lack of such causes problems socially in school and when that doesn’t get “fixed,” the children grow to have problems as adults, and then have children. They don’t know how to teach these lessons to children, because they themselves don’t know what to do. Thanks for your contribution!

    1. Hi Victor,
      I’m glad you see the strong need for this. It becomes a cycle of emotionally unequipped people. EQ is probably a more important and revealing barometer of success than IQ.
      Thanks for your support.

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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778