We Can Do It: Attaining Our New Goals By Taking Small Steps

We Can Do It: Attaining Our New Goals By Taking Small Steps

It’s soon to be that time of year – a new one.  And that means many of us enter into it with new goals and visions.  We all know the common ones:  I’m going to lose weight, exercise regularly, eat better.

And by February many of us have thrown in the towel.  We’re discouraged.  The attitude of: can’t do, didn’t do, too much, too overwhelming, not enough time.

The antidote to that is tiny, specific steps and reveling in our small successes.  Because success leads to success.  It’s the greatest motivator of all.  So we must build in success for ourselves and then feel the joy of it.

We need to tackle things in small doses, biting off what we can chew and not more.   We need to be specific.  What does exercise regularly mean? How often will I exercise and when?  What does eat better mean?  Will I eat more vegetables; more fish and less meat and how often?  I may need to lose 20 pounds but this week I’m aiming for one or two pounds.

We also can’t tackle too many fronts at once.  We must focus on one or two goals at a time.  See that we’re accomplishing our little improvements  and when we feel that’s it becoming a part of ourselves, then we can move on to another area.  Too many areas pull us in too many directions and then we lose focus on any one thing.

So here’s a little step guide towards attaining those goals:


  • Break down your big goal into small components.

Example:- Big goal – Eat better.  What does that entail for me?  What do I want to do?  Be very concrete.

Small goals:  Eat fish twice a week.  Make a green salad three times a week.  Eat two fruits a day.  Convert to whole wheat bread and then whole wheat pasta (very high in fiber).

  • Pat yourself on the back each time you do something towards that goal.    We do it for others; we deserve to give it to ourselves.  There’s no shame in being our own cheerleader.
  • Specify When.

Example- I’m going to walk Monday and Friday mornings before work for 20 minutes either outside or on the treadmill, depending on the weather.

  • Tell people or a someone what you’re doing.  Stating it aloud creates accountability and we’re more likely to follow through if we’ve made a pronouncement.
  • If you ‘fall off’ or slip up, don’t do the berating deal.  Nonchalantly acknowledge to yourself ‘the fall’ and get back up.  Continue onward.   Don’t use that as a hook for defeat to win you over.  It’s just waiting there to ‘get’ you.  But you can get over it and move on.
  • If something isn’t working, reevaluate and change it around.  Maybe morning walks is too pressured for you.  Try a different time of day.   Make it work – there’s always a way to incorporate what you want.
  • It’s all about priorities and focus!   What we focus on is where we put our energy.

If it’s important for me to eat well I’m going to give myself the ten minutes at night to cut up a salad for the next day.  If it’s important for me to exercise, I’m going to get up a half hour earlier to put it into my day.

  • More often than not, it’s a work in progress, a continuous life style.  “I will monitor my quick-temperedness.”

Even after we attain our goal of – losing 20 pounds, of daily exercising- we move into maintaining this lifestyle.   Once it becomes a part of us and we take pride and revel in the new things we’ve built into our lives, it’s usually easier and even pleasurable.


What new steps are you looking to start taking?  What are you looking to bring into your life?  What would you like to work on/ work towards?

I love being a part of people’s journey towards self growth and improvement.  It’s what enhances our life and brings us closer to who we’re meant to be.  We all have so much inside waiting to spring forth in new and exciting ways.  We’re more than we think we are.

Thank you for stopping by here.  I always hope you take something away, that something speaks to you or resonates for you.


how to find me

Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778