What Brings You Joy?

What Brings You Joy?

Caught up with the ‘doings’ of life?  Don’t know what you like anymore?  Lost all notion of your interests?  Haven’t been in touch with Yourself in years due to child-rearing, the busyness of life, just trying to keep your head above water, working long hours, juggling it all …..

Start to get back in touch with what you love by:

Making a Love List.  What brings you joy?

Now start writing – free style, don’t lift your pen off the paper, just keep writing whatever comes to mind; let it flow out.  Just keep on writing down your ideas until you can’t think of anything anymore.  And then add a few more.  You’ll be surprised at your long list.  There’s a lot there, in all of us.  We just need to tap into it, once again, and remind ourselves of what’s there, deep down.  And maybe there’s a lot more on the surface than we realize.

My list looks something like this:

Hot chocolate in a big, funky mug






Deep conversations

New opportunities/adventures/ideas

Interesting people




Very hot showers


Going to book stores

And then, pick 2 or 3 and incorporate them a few times into your week.  Small things make a big difference, especially when we feel depleted.    Keep adding a link to that chain of pleasurable acts/things and you will start to see a difference in how you feel. You will also be filling your bucket of positivity.

A tip I recently learned at a workshop I attended:  take a picture of something meaningful.  When you look at, really connect to it and feel the good feelings that it brings up.  It’s another way of reminding yourself of what you love.


Would love for you to share some of your love list here.   Thanks for stopping by.  Let’s hear from you.


how to find me

Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778