Who Inspires You?

Who Inspires You?

I usually post an interview at the beginning of each month.  However this month I’ve decided to ask you, my readers, to share someone who has inspired you by how they’ve been able to overcome and rise up beyond their challenges; in other words to become better, not bitter.

Who inspires you in the way they have dealt with their difficulties?   Who leaves you saying, “Wow” to have they’ve carried on despite their obstacles?

I’d love to compile your ‘findings’ of people who uplift you.  How have they rebuilt their lives incorporating their hardships, losses and/or difficult transitions in a transformative way?

In this time of “organized” and scheduled-in gratitude (the holiday of Thanksgiving), may this be a beginning of ongoing appreciation and thanks for all that we have in our lives;  and may we harness  the ability to find even those specks of gratitude in the cracks and crevices of despair as well, for that will enable us to climb out and begin to catch the new rays of light.

Seeing how others walk their rocky terrain of circumstance can guide as along ours.  May we be grateful to all who shed their light upon us and may we learn from one another and integrate those positive examples of living well.


“What is to give light must endure burning.”  Viktor Frankl

Please share a story of overcoming in the face of challenge.  It can be a personal one or one that you’ve read or heard about that has made an impact on you.



how to find me

Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778