The Beauty of Imperfection

The Beauty of Imperfection

I dropped my bags, pulled open the curtains and saw this jaw-dropping view, a movie-like scene right before my eyes. The Mama Mia type beauty of a Greek island, minus the singing and dancing along the rooftops. My room with a view of Santorini. In my excitement to photograph this...

Filling Your Bucket

Are you OK with giving to yourself, with doing for yourself, with taking care of You? Before you can practice self-care to any degree you have to believe that it is OK to tend to yourself; that you matter and you cannot run on empty no matter how little time...

Living a Great Life, From a Dying Man

Some books are truly timeless, as they apply just as much today as when they were written. Such is the book, Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. Having just finished this book with my parent book clubs and had such amazing, stimulating and uplifting discussions around this life-affirming book, I...

8 Ways to Handle Those Tough Times

We all have different ways of dealing with our stressors, our hardships, our challenges. How do you handle those tough times in your life? Do you confront it head-on? Do you look to avoid? Do you withdraw and retreat from life? Do you engage in any ‘holic’ or acting-out behaviors?...

“Big Magic” For Parents

This month’s book for my parent book clubs is Big Magic - Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. (Yes, she wrote Eat, Pray and Love.) There’s no question this book promotes great and very lively discussion, even if the {heated} talk is around how unrealistic it is to even...

Viktor Frankl Quotes to Help You Cope

Man's Search For Meaning by Dr. Viktor Frankl, is one of the top ten most influential books in the US. Written in 1946, Frankl writes about his experiences in Auschwitz concentration camp; and in part two of the book he discusses his theory of logotherapy, therapy of meaning. You might...

A Soothing Poem For a Turbulent Time

Welcome to my new and updated website!   In light of our nation's election turmoil, anguish and as many negative words as you can come up with for this most disconcerting and shameful public time, I thought this poem would hit the spot.   The Peace of Wild Things  by...

Wake Up To Your Life

Meet it, embrace it, look at it straight in its face and do what you have to do to make it the best possible life you have.  Given what may come along over which you have no control, it’s still your life to carve and shape-  to make of it...

Releasing Yourself From Your Pain

We often have no control over a lousy circumstance.   A death, an illness, an accident, a breakup, a job loss - these things can just happen to us, without any responsibility on our part.  (Although we need to always check ourselves to see if and what our part may have...

Living With Pain And Hope

  How do we find our way back into the world after an awful and painful life situation? After a divorce we wonder if we’ll ever love again.  After the death of a loved one, we grief so deeply and wonder if the blackening sadness and excruciating pain will ever...


how to find me

Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778