New Experiences During Difficult Times, and the New Joy It Can Bring

New Experiences During Difficult Times, and the New Joy It Can Bring

I recently realized that during two major life-altering times in my life, I tried out something new.  And nineteen years and nine years later (respectively), I am still actively engaged in both.  They have become an integral part of my life.

The summer I got separated (from my then husband), 19 years ago, my friend came over and told me about the gym she had just joined.  She invited me to come and try it out a couple of times.    Something different, something new.  At that time exercise was not a goal of mine or even anything I thought about.  I was active enough raising my 3 young children, working and running here, there and everywhere.

But I said yes to going with her to this small neighborhood gym.  It quickly became the beginning of my life-long exercise regimen.   I eventually got my personal trainer, Steve, through the gym, who I worked with for 10 years.  He later started working with my daughter, Nava, and a few years later with my husband, Alan.   It was an all-in-the-family deal.

We now all work with our new trainer, Rick, whom Nava, through her good PR skills, found through her job at Trader Joe’s.

Nine years ago when Nava was critically ill and in a rehab hospital, where I also lived during her 9 month stay, I discovered hiking.   I was already a walker, so when somebody mentioned a hiking group in that neck of the woods (fun pun), not far from the hospital, I was ready and very willing to give it a try.

It was springtime, Nava was coming along and seemingly out of the woods (fun pun), and I therefore felt O.K. about leaving her for a few hours at a time.  I wanted nothing more than to be outdoors in beautiful nature away from hospitals and sickness.

Despite the fact that I had never officially hiked before, I excitedly set out on my day’s outing by myself and met up with the Wednesday Hikers in Harriman State Park.  A good workout climb up, a beautiful view for lunch,  an easier downhill climb, interesting conversations with upbeat, healthy life-style people.  Working the body, calming the mind, while being mindful of every step along the trail, engulfed in trees and small water streams, made for a wonderful day.

I  started meeting up with the group every Wednesday.  Once Nava came home and I went back to work, I became a summer Wednesday hiker.  Whereas they hike 52 weeks a year since most are over 60 and retired, I, in my 50’s and still working, hike only in the summer when I’m off from work.

My dream vacation grew into a hiking trip to the Swiss Alps.  I had been there once but not as a hiker.  Now I wanted to experience the gorgeous Alps by being amidst them.

And so for our 50th birthdays and to celebrate Nava’s miraculous survival, Alan and I went on our first hiking trip with a group to Murren and Grindelwald.  I climbed and felt the honor and awesomeness of Nava’s climb to her complete recovery.

Taking steps toward trying something new:

  • Be open to trying
  • Be willing to go for the experience
  • Push yourself beyond the status quo
  • Push yourself beyond the doubt and fear
  • Go beyond the usual and customary

The worst is you won’t like it.

The best is you will, and then you will have discovered something new and exciting.

What new thing have you taken on during a trying time in your life?

4 thoughts on “New Experiences During Difficult Times, and the New Joy It Can Bring

  1. Hi Harriet,
    A marvellous story. New experiences in Life can always occur if you are prepared to try. Take a step outside our ‘comfort zones’ & experience something different. Good for you!

    Be good to yourself

    1. Hi David,
      Thanks for commenting. Yep, “take a step outside of our comfort zones”. I’m all for that!! That yields growth and excitement.

  2. Alicia says:

    Thanks for the encouragement1

    1. Hi Alicia,
      You are most welcome. Are you ready to step out and take on something new?!!

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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778