Empowering Stories to Create a Better You

Empowering Stories to Create a Better You

When we have difficult circumstances to deal with, a lot of what helps us get through are our internal strengths.   We all have them – different ones, more of some, less of others.

Now when we’re blinded by the night of darkness and overwhelmed, we often don’t know we have them, certainly don’t see them and therefore don’t draw upon them to help ourselves.

There is something quite powerful we can do to bring forth our abilities to manage better.  We can think back to a time when we did handle a difficult situation well.  We can reflect back to that good version of ourselves when we felt competent in how we coped with a challenge.  No matter how small or inconsequential it may seem, when we recall an ability, strength or attribute that we utilized, it reminds us it’s there within us and can be called upon again.

We can all pull up our lousy stories about how we did or didn’t do, those self-critical ones.   But if we’re looking to bring out the good and use more of our best selves, we want to recall and tell stories that portray ourselves in a positive light.  This is not to pretend the other stuff isn’t there.  But it’s to bring out attention and hold our inner barometer to a positive time when we did do something well.

When did you feel more confident?  When did you feel more calm?   When were you able to handle your stress in a better way? When did you take the initiative?  When did you feel your truest self come out?

Think back to a time when you felt that way.  Write about it.  Tell about it.  You can then start to re-create it by putting into place the different variables:  who were you with when you felt your best self;  what exactly did you do to de-stress a bit; what helped you feel more confident;  what were the circumstances where you were able to take the initiative?  This is very empowering and can help create a better present by re-enacting your abilities.

You can become the scribe of your life and not the passive recipient of dis-empowering stories that keep you stuck in your own muck.  Bring to the forefront those stories that shine a light on your good versions of your self –  those qualities you value and want to see more of in yourself.

Don’t forget:  “When you appreciate the good, the good appreciates.”  (Tal Ben-Shahar)  That holds true for ourselves:  when we take notice of our own goodness and attributes, they grow and appear more.   We then bring more of what we want into our lives to live that rich, authentic and engaged life.

And of course, we then have more of our internal riches to draw from in those inevitable times of hardship and challenge.


 Get the ball rolling with a story, such as when you handled something well.  

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you’ll share this post.


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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778