A Lesson from the “Life Is Good” Brothers

A Lesson from the “Life Is Good” Brothers

Here’s a great bit of inspiration to start off your week.

Let’s create a conceptual shift from ‘have to‘ to ‘get to‘.  Instead of thinking in terms of what we have to do, let’s view it as what we get to do.   One way is a chore, an obligation, a downer; the other is an opportunity, a blessing, something to be grateful for.

Some examples:  I ‘get to’ go to work, as opposed to I ‘have to’ go to work.

I ‘get to’ go to the store, as opposed to I ‘have to’ go to the store.

I ‘get to’ go to the gym, instead of  I ‘have to’ go to the gym.

Get it??

Not everyone can do these things.  If we can, let’s appreciate it more, begrudge it less and we will find more joy and take more pleasure  in all that we do.


Now please watch this utube of  Bert and John Jacobs, the brothers who founded the Life Is Good company, in their recent commencement speech at Bentley University.



jake-cropped1-150x151Hope you enjoy this.  This ‘get to’ instead of ‘have to’ was my take-away.  What’s yours?  


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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778