Bringing the Gift of Yourself to the World

Bringing the Gift of Yourself to the World

"Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds."  Elie Wiesel   I just finished a wonderful course called Teaching for Transformation by the amazing Maria Sirois.  In the last class she asked a question that really ‘knocked the ball out of the park’, as she likes...

Healthy Distractions

Often when we’re upset or feeling overwhelmed with any sort of negativity, we fall prey to that which  may make us feel good at the moment.   The pint of ice cream in the freezer (or maybe even quart!), the bottle of booze in the cabinet, the local bar at the...

Set Your Intentions for the New Year

Resolutions = failure Intentions= striving towards All too often we make new year’s resolutions only to see that it’s February (or maybe even earlier) and we’ve already messed up.  Discouragement sets in and we’re throwing in the towel since we’ve already failed.   Now what? How about another way of looking...

A Season of Lights, Within Darkness

'Tis a season of lights -  Christmas lights, Chanukah lights of the menorah.  Beautiful lights all around.  And yet we're acutely aware of all the darkness going on around us and the world at large.  Sometimes it seems so hard to take pleasure in this supposedly joyful season while we...

5 Things To Do When A Difficulty Arises

You're going through a rough time.  How do you cope and manage?  How do you stay afloat right now? 1.  Acknowledge the difficulty to yourself.  "This is really hard for me.  I am so stressed.  How will I keep doing this? 2.  Give yourself permission to be human.  There need...

Kids Are Too Busy Doing

We’re all busy Doing.  And we’re all getting stressed, anxious, burned-out and sick from all our doings.  Kids included! Kids especially! Warning:  Too much Doing is harmful for our kids.  Side effects include:  anxiety, depression, stomach aches, headaches and other physical symptoms, eating disorders, cutting, addictions, suicide. Antidote:  Engage in...

Mind Over Body – Resiliency At Its Best

Just saw the movie, The Theory of Everything, about the life of Stephen Hawking.  Talk about resiliency, perseverance, rising above and beyond!    He is a supreme example of overcoming adversity!  Having lived over 50 years with the {most often} fatal and horrifically degenerative disease, ALS,  also known as Lou Gehrig’s...

Staying With Our Difficult Feelings

We run from pain.  It’s the natural way.  Fight or flight – we detect danger, we run. But what about emotional pain?  We also seem to run from that.  After all, who the heck wants to feel  anger, sadness, grief and all those other icky feelings. We do whatever it...

How Do We Greet The New Day?

Rachel, my 3 ½ year old granddaughter loves the music from the show Aladdin, especially the song, A Whole New World.  She knows all the words by heart.  One of my favorite times lately is tucking her into bed, either at her house when I babysit or at mine when...

Reactive Or Responsive

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  Victor Frankl   The space is there between the provocation and our response.  We can utilize that space to choose a response rather than...


how to find me

Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778