4 Questions To Start You On Your Path Towards Rebuilding Your Life

4 Questions To Start You On Your Path Towards Rebuilding Your Life

Are you in the process of rebuilding your life, in any way, shape or form?

New job, no job; new partner, no partner; new children, empty-nester; new home, lost home. I’m omitting a lot of other life circumstances  but I leave those to your imagination and situation.  There are oh so many life events which require rebuilding and recreating so that we can pave a new path towards well-being and living well.

Are you experiencing stress?   Stress can be a good thing.  It can push us towards movement and change.   It can give us a kick in the butt that will get off us our seat.  Stress can be an ally whispering or shouting at us what we sometimes don’t want to hear.  If we listen to it and take our cues from it, we can utilize it for the better.

Are you giving yourself permission to adjust?   The way through it is through it.  Allow yourself to go through it, feelings and all, and you’ll get through it.  When we look to somehow circumvent, we end up backtracking and having to deal with it anyway, perhaps in a different way.   Trust in the process and know you will come through it intact.  Nurture yourself through the hard parts and those rough edges will slowly smooth out.

Are you holding onto the old and resisting the new?  It’s O.K to hold on but you don’t want to get stuck living in yesterday.  There is no calendar or time-table but you’ll start to realize when your ‘hold-ons’ are interfering and preventing your new reality from taking shape.

Are you setting goals?  Goals are a way to start thinking about what you want: what you want to do, accomplish, bring into your life.  They reflect what’s important and meaningful.  They ground us so we don’t flounder around aimlessly.  But they’re also not the end-all.   Having the goal actually matters more than attaining the goal.  All too often we achieve our goal and then say, ‘now what’; and there’s never any real lasting satisfaction, just a bottom-less pit waiting to be filled again and again.  I won’t use that cliché, you know the one about… the journey, but let’s not discredit the power and means of the journey.   So get some goals going and take pleasure and satisfaction in the trip.  If you’re working towards your interests, then you’re bringing your good stuff into your life, piece by piece.  Revel in that.  Allow yourself to feel great about it.

I’m in the process, two years now, of rebuilding my life or as my friends say, reinventing myself after leaving my steady, secure job (retired) to grow my practice/business.   I’ve been looking in an almost ‘angstful’ way to do something different with my life to honor the miraculous survival and complete recovery of my daughter, Nava.  I’m on my path and it feels wonderful.


I’m here to work with you on your ‘rebuilding journey’ as you seek to bring joy and meaning into your life.  It’s about creating a rich and intentional life; one that brings out your best self, lights you up and therefore adds to the goodness in our world.


2 thoughts on “4 Questions To Start You On Your Path Towards Rebuilding Your Life

  1. Joe A says:

    That was a very good and helpful article. I am currently in the process of rebuilding my life. I started a blog to share with others how the process is going to let people know they are not alone. You can read it if you want at http://rebuildingat30.blogspot.com.I just started it. Its good to know I’m not the only one in this situation. I guess the key is to not give up.

    1. Hi Joe,
      I will check out your blog. Yes, sharing with others is helpful on both ends. Glad you found this post helpful. Best to you.

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Long Island, New York
Call me: 516-214-4778